Final Video Idea:

This flow chart shows the initial thought process of my final video idea. I got the inspiration from the chocolate milk video idea. My original idea was to use off brand apple or orange juice or orange juice, and then which ever one was off brand, I'd do the opposite one on brand. However, when I got to the shop, I struggled to find what I was looking for and before I left, I finally spotted the Ribena and decided that was better than my original idea. 

My Final Thoughts:

Overall, I feel like Ribena worked better than just using apple or orange juice because now my advert is promoting an actual brand that I love. I am happy with the way that my final video turned out. I think that it conveys the message of Ribena being the better drink choice compared to any other juice. The smoothness that is captured when showing the Ribena, compared to the hectic nature of the apple juice shots was a way for me to show that Ribena is the way to go. 

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